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Odunlade Adekola film school registration [oafp 2024]

In today’s post, we will talk about Odunlade Adekola Film Production School popularly known as OAFP. This is one of the greatest film institutes in Nigeria that helps young talented artist achieve their dream.

About the school

oafp 2024 registration

Oafp school is located at Abeokuta in Ogun state, enrolling students in different courses based on the film industry. Below are some courses students can apply for:

Acting: this enables you to become a professional actor or actress both on stage and on screen. There are some mistakes you may have made when acting like looking camera while acting, some don’t know how to manage the stage when it comes to stage performance and some even don’t have the boldness to act on camera, so Oafp will give their best to make sure you come out in flying colors.

Music: is part of entertainment when it comes to the film industry, music plays a significant role in any good movie. I can say that there is no award-winning movie without a soundtrack and that is why Odunlade Adekola Film Production School will teach you how you can able to compose a soundtrack for any movie in a professional way. If you have been watching Odunlade’s movies, you will see that most of the soundtrack was sung by him.

DOP: To learn Director of Photography in this school is a great privilege because if there is no DOP, there is no movie they are the number one in the movie crew that makes us enjoy movies. You will learn how to take different angles like close shoot, Long shoot, medium, tight, and the rest.

Scriptwriter: in every successful movie there must be a good storywriter who will put pen to paper to tell the story before shooting the movie. You will learn how to make a good story research and bring it to life in a movie. You can take this as a business in the movie industry by helping artists to write scripts and they will pay you.

Makeup: there is a difference between normal makeup and makeup artists because you may learn makeup in other to dress for people who have parties to attend while artist makeup is someone who knows how to do extraordinary makeup like effect makeup.

Those are some courses you may have in mind to learn when it comes to Oafp school, moreover, there are other courses like string, pros manager, production manager, and the rest which we don’t have the opportunity to explain more.

Why choosing Oafp performance school

There is indeed a lot of film schools in Nigeria but Odunlade Adekola film school is different and here is the reason we said that most students who attend Odunlade’s school have many opportunities to participate in any of Odunlade Adeola like Saamu Alajo. Celebrity Gist got must positive review on this school

About the owner
As the name sounds, we all know that the school was owned by Odunlade Omo Adekola to help upcoming talented artists in other to achieve what they have dreamed of before. He is a great actor, Scriptwriter, director and singer. Therefore, he knows much about what you are going to learn from the school.

2024 registration

At the time of writing this article, we tried to speak with the school manager and he said the 2024 registration would commence as soon as possible what cost delay is that Odunlade Adekola was busy because of his movie Latabu.

Note: we are fully active to update this article immediately after the school management announces the form, therefore, kindly subscribe to this site or join our social media platform.
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